
Thursday, November 12, 2020

living mansion of spirits

I found it easy to make the feeling that you are in the story,

I found it hard to make it from my mind,

I really enjoyed writing chapter one

Chapter one the deadly encounter

Where am I? I said, filling my body with fear and i was hopeless, and there was that creeping living mansion of spirits and tear, I knock the door no one came, as the fire is fading away and the fog cutting deeper, and as the Silence were crawling on my back i went in. when i came in there was bloody gore, there were dust and bags of bodys, cobwebs everywhere,lights twitching, i saw a shadow holding a body in its hand and laughing, It was the owner, he was tall as a pillar.I hided in a closet, he notices some noises coming from me,he thought it was the dead body,

Chapter two the unknown chase. 

Then I ran as quickly as I can then I tripped  and stumbled across the room then I found a safe room. That I could hide in but then a lot of ash came then I saw the unknown  person then I got my detective hat and then opened the door and chased him as fast as I could until he took a left turn and disappeared. Then when I nearly gave up I saw him once more then I chased him when I jumped and then he disappeared again and that was the time when really give up.     

Chapter three cased close.

When really I give up I went back to the room and looked out the window while the rain pours down to the ground but then I heard a little voice that said ‘ Why did you give up that easily son’ then I said ‘ Dad is that you? ‘ I said and then the voice said ‘ Yes it ;is me and when I was a detective I never give up so that's what you should do’ as soon as he said that I got all my energy back made some traps for the unknown person. Then I saw the unknown person and chased right into the trap and he just floated on top of it then that when I thought that it was a ghost. But then I saw two of the unknown person but the first one that I was chasing was a virtual reality program then I knew which one was which so I followed the real person and he got trapped when he took a right turn even I got trapped by my own trap but further then that I got the unknown person and the unknown person was my older brother! Because the hole time he was never home so he can have the kids candy so then the police took him to prison and we lived happily ever after for now.


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